Friday, March 28, 2014

Letting go of the guilt...

Ever since I started on my weight loss journey, I always have this problem. Whenever I don't exercise for a day or I ate a little bit too much, I would feel really bad and would stay away from the scale till after I've workout. It has been going on for a year now.

Today is no exception. 

Had to miss my usual Friday gym session in the morning cause I had an interview to go to. I think I've mentioned before that I go to ClubFITT every Monday, Wednesday & Friday before work for an hour. 

Unfortunately, I had to miss it today cause the interview was at 9AM! So if I were to go to the gym, I would not be able to make it to the interview on time.

I feel like I'm at a point in my life where because I've worked so hard to lose the weight, I don't ever want to go back to how I was. I'm so scared that by missing 1 workout, I would continue to miss another and another one and another. Then eventually, I would stop and before you know, I have gained all the weight back!

I already foresee myself missing today's gym session. So what did I do?

Talked to Nadiah, my friend/motivator/healthfreak, of course!

I don't know what it is about her but I always feel so much better after talking to her, even when she's all the way in Queensland! 

I was texting her about how I feel guilty and all that, and she calmly texted me back saying that it's okay to miss once in a while cause it's not like I don't have a valid excuse. Also, if I feel really bad, then just kinect at home on the weekends. Mentioned how I haven't lost any weight AT ALL this month, she said, "you are probably building muscle mass! Thats why!And your weight isn't a justifiable indicator. Trust me. ;)" 

I was seriously losing patience that my weight is still 75KG after almost a month and a half but Nadiah being Nadiah, reminded me to "Aim for fit and healthy, not the digit on the scale seriously. I strongly suspect you're building muscle mass, so be patient! Things take time, be patient love!"

She also never fails to make me feel better about myself, reminding me of how far I've come and that I deserve a break once in a while. 

So I guess what I'm trying to say is to let it go. You know, like the seriously overplayed song? Just LET. IT. GO. 

It's okay to miss working out and it's okay to pig out once in a while. YOU DESERVE IT. As long as you don't keep doing it,of course! But when you have a valid reason, like a job interview in my case, or you've had a terrible week at work and you want to eat that tub of Ben & Jerry's, GO FOR IT. Don't feel bad.

Seriously, YOLO, that's You Only Live Once for those who don't know! (Seriously though, where have you been? Living under a rock?)

And I know my friends reading this will probably be rolling their eyes right now cause I've been saying YOLO like ALL THE TIME. I kid you not. It's kind of my new mantra nowadays. 

But yes, YOLO cause what's life if you don't indulge once in a while. You've let your body go through strenuous exercise almost everyday, so what's one day? And that's exactly why I've let go of my guilt. 

I know that by missing out on one gym session would not make my weight go up by 5kg! Or if I were to eat more than I usually would, my weight would not skyrocket! I've learn that it's okay AS LONG AS I DON'T DO IT OFTEN. 

Everyone who is trying to lose weight, needs at least ONE friend like Nadiah, who will consistently ask you if you've exercise, give you workout and food advice, reminding you of your accomplishments and always motivating and believing in you. Trust me. It helps A LOT when you have a friend like this. 

So what are you waiting for? Go call up your health freak friend! Come on! Everyone has at least one friend who is OBSESSED about health and exercising and what nots!!!

I'm just lucky that mine happens to be a close friend!

So thank you Nadiah! For not only being a fabulously crazy girlfriend but always reminding me how far I've gotten and never failing to make me realise that IT'S OKAY.  

Thank you Naddy Noddy. Huge hugs and sloppy kisses all the way from SG. Can't wait to visit you there! Miss you like crazy!!!

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