Friday, April 25, 2014


Have you ever felt so happy and contented with your life as it is right now but you don't want to be super happy for fear that it would all start crumbling down then?

That's exactly how I feel right now. There's an official word for it but I'm too lazy and sleepy to google it right now. (I can't sleep cause I'm currently at work!)

But yes, I am at a point in my life where I am truly happy and satisfied and contented with my life. Syukur alhamdulilah. But I am so scared that if I think too much about how happy I am with my life right now, it's gonna start being bad. So I keep thinking about all the bad things instead. 

THAT IS NOT GOOD. I should not be thinking that way!!!

Even though my job sucks, I still am able to live with it and take it as it goes. Of course, if I really do get a new job that I actually like, my life would be perfect. But one can only hope to have a perfect life. 

For the past year, I have been so focus on losing weight and getting used to being an adult. But now that I've settled down a bit, I've realised that, though I am still not at my goal weight, I'm almost there! (Just 7 more KG!!!!)

My point is my life have revolved around my weight loss journey and being obsessed about the number on the scale. I didn't stop to think about all that I have in my life already…until today.

I've lost a ton of weight, I have a job, I have amazing family and friends and I may or may not have found someone who made me laugh like no one else ever could. ;)

So alhamdulilah. Thank you, Ya Allah for all of your blessings so far. 

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